And Pet Insurance!

What's the Difference between Individual & Group Health Insurance?
At Hanlin Insurance, we understand that finding the right health insurance plan can be overwhelming. That's why we offer both group and individual health insurance plans. We believe in providing our clients with coverage that is tailored to their individual needs, with the flexibility to adjust their plans as their life changes.We stand out from other insurance providers by offering a wide range of coverage options, no matter your age or health status. Our experienced team of professionals will take the time to answer all of your questions and help you find the plan that best fits your lifestyle.
What is a group health insurance plan?
A group health insurance plan is purchased by an employer or organization and provides healthcare coverage to a specific group of people.
What is an individual health insurance plan?
Unlike group coverage, for individual health insurance plans, the participant purchases the policy on their own. These policies can be offer more flexibility for an individual and are typically less expensive.
For My PET?!
It wasn’t that long ago that Fido slept outside. He ate scraps and cheap kibble, not $70 bags of organic, free-range, massaged bison meat. He wandered the neighborhood off leash, dispensing slobbers, mooching ear-scratches, and scarfing pies off of window sills. Fido wasn’t neutered. He wasn’t vaccinated. He was basically a disease-ridden wolf. How we treat our dogs has changed a lot since then. First off, no one names their dog Fido anymore. More importantly, the Dog Formerly Known as Fido is now part of the family. He sleeps at the foot of the bed, (or on top of his owner), he has his own dishes, his own blanket, his own bed, a toy collection! And as a member of the family, he gets medical treatment, just as we humans do. Vet bills, like our own doctor bills, are expensive.
Beyond unavoidable yearly expenses, pet insurance is vital to offsetting sudden, unexpected costs. Even the healthiest pet has the occasional accident. These untimely events can be frightening and cost small fortunes. That is why it is so important to have a policy in place before we have to rush our cat or dog to the emergency animal clinic. If your corgi gets into your secret stash of dark chocolate, your yellow lab decides to swallow his favorite tennis ball, or your Maine Coon cat fights an actual raccoon… having a policy in place will give you some peace of mind during a frightening event.
Depending on the nature of the injury, Hanlin Insurance can provide immediate coverage with purchase of the appropriate plan.
The American Pet Products Association claimed that in 2017, U.S. pet owners spent over $17 billion on veterinary care. While this is a staggering number, it’s not surprising. For those of us fortunate enough to have a healthy dog or cat, we still have to shell out cash for yearly physicals, vaccinations, and preventative care. These costs add up quickly. Hanlin Insurance offers options that can help pay for these annual costs.
Perhaps the most cost-effective value of pet insurance is found when a pet acquires a chronic illness or condition. We usually think of people being allergic to pets, but dogs and cats often suffer from allergies as well. A pet suffering from simple allergies can be prohibitively expensive. Pet insurance can help cover diagnosis, treatments, and medications that ease a pet’s discomfort and help them overcome their allergies.
So how does it work? Choose an insurance package that works best for you and your pet. Say an accident occurs. Stella cuts her paw during her usual evening walk. You rush her off to the emergency vet. A few stitches, a fancy wrap, and stylish neck cone later, and Stella is on the mend. You, the owner, pay your vet bill. All you have to do next is submit a claim for reimbursement. Hanlin takes care of the rest!
As your pet gets on in years, Hanlin Insurance guarantees that their policy will not be cancelled or downgraded. Premiums may increase as the pet ages, but their coverage will stay the same. Hanlin Insurance now offers pet insurance for owners who want to provide affordable quality care for their furry family members. If you own a dog, a cat, or several of each, Hanlin Insurance has an array of options for you and your pet.

Meet Fido