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Hanlin Insurance is dedicated to providing reliable, comprehensive insurance solutions to protect families and businesses. Our team of experienced professionals have decades of combined expertise in the insurance industry, allowing us to develop tailored, cost-effective plans to meet all of your insurance needs.

Alan Hanlin

Our Founder

I founded Hanlin Insurance Agency back in 1972. I feel lucky to be born and raised in the Mid-Ohio town of Randolph. Randolph is a great community with lots of friendly people. Summers here are as nice as anywhere in the country! I graduated from the local high school before entering business school. It is hard not to get involved in community activities. My involvement started early in the local churches and scouts, where my father became the scout master and in later years I did as well; and yeah my brother and I became Eagle Scouts. In those days there was no internet or computer, only three channels on the television, so “what was a boy to do”.

I have always enjoyed helping with community events such as Lions Club, churches and providing a helping hand where ever needed. The most enjoyable thing in which I was involved was coaching youth sports. I have three sons and if the sport had a ball, I coached it. My advice is, if you ever get a chance to coach or help out in youth sports, ‘step up’ the rewards are everlasting.

I was still in college when I committed to opening an insurance agency in my home town. It was my college study of business and finance that fell right in place with the business of insurance. I started with life, health and estate planning. Still being a young man, some people were reluctant to talk to me about their finances, so I carried my own personal policies with me to appointments to show I was committed and believed in this business.

It was only a short time later that I added Property and Casualty insurance to the agency. It was when I found an auto insurance company that wrote my personal coverage for about a fourth of what I was currently paying, then I quickly became licensed with this new company so I could offer it to everyone in town. I really don’t know how much money I was making, it was just exciting to save someone else a lot of money. The feeling you get when you help someone never gets old! and we run into someone almost daily that is paying too much for their current insurance coverage.

Hanlin Insurance Agency was the first agency, I know of, that jumped into the computer generation at an agency level. We foresaw it would bring better customer service, accuracy and accountability to the agency. We now continue to be trend setters in technology and bring the best and latest technology to provide better customer service and satisfaction. Our agency brokers business from multiple insurance companies. We bring together the best companies for our customers needs. We have hand-picked our companies to be the ‘best of the best’ and we don’t write for ones that don’t make the cut. You will find our staff to be knowledgeable and courteous no matter the size of your account or your needs.

If you are looking at us for your next possible insurance provider, REACH OUT, we can help! I’ll bet you’ll say you should have done this sooner. If you are one of our clients and reading this; we THANK YOU for your business and promise to continue to earn it every day.

Sincerely to All,

-Alan S Hanlin

Scott Hanlin


Randolph, Ohio is a small knit community made up of families, neighbors, and friends. A community of people that look after one another and care about each other’s well-being. I grew up in Randolph and learned the importance of community. I learned from my own family the value of a strong work ethic and the value of relationships.

One of the most important lessons my family taught me was if you work hard and believe in yourself anything is obtainable. My father is a hard worker and built Hanlin Insurance from a small agency into the well-respected community business that it is today. Since 1972 Hanlin Insurance has been providing the members of Randolph and surrounding areas with their insurance needs. Alongside my father, I now strive to carry out the Hanlin Insurance legacy and build upon the lessons and relationships passed on to me.

I was a fulltime fireman for the last 20 years and recently decided that I needed to solely focus my time on keeping the legacy of the business going. The foundation of Randolph was built on the hard work of its community members. At Hanlin, we want to be your one-stop shop for Insurance, from insuring your home and autos to insuring your large business accounts. My competitive nature and the love of a challenge will be an essential asset I bring to the insurance business. I specialize in Farm, Business and Trucking Insurance and have knowledge in all aspects of the market.


Meet the Team

Bringing Financial Security and Peace of Mind with Hanlin Insurance

Hanlin Insurance in the News

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Hanlin Insurance. Serving the Community Since 1972

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1597 State Route 44,
Randolph, Ohio 44201

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